Creating and editing work area templates
A work area template is a pattern from which users can make work areas. The configuration options of a work area template are similar to that of the vault itself and of a workflow definition.
To create or edit a work area template:
- In Configurator, expand Work Area Templates in the configuration tree to display the existing work area templates.
- To delete a work area template, select it and on the Edit menu, select Delete.
- To edit a work area template, select it and click the Edit button.
- To create a new work area template, on the Edit menu, select New Work Area Template. A new work area template is added to the configuration tree and its property pages appear in the right pane.
- Type or select options on the General page, as described in Configuring work area template general options.
- Define the template’s workflow, as described in Drawing a workflow diagram.
- Type or select options on the Extensions page, as described in Applying custom extensions to a work area template.
- Type or select options on the Columns page, as described in Configuring work area view columns .
- Type or select options on the Show Referenced Documents page, as described in Showing references in a work area.
- Click the OK button to save your changes.